Wednesday, July 16, 2008


This week has been one that I will never forget. I have been knocked down, raised up, and in between.

God is here. I want all of you to know in a very real way that I know God is not going to leave nor forsake me.

I want you all to know that He has provided me with many angels in my friends and family. I know that you all are fighting with us! Praise the Father for not allowing loneliness to penetrate my heart, but that love and endurance is the song on my lips.

OK, update:
We're talking that my mom(Linda), is battling an aggressive cancer. It wants to take her life and the word of God says that He gives life, so I know God has great plans. I know that God is real. I also, know that he is speaking to my friends and family in extreme ways. 

An example of His overflowing grace on my life was last night. I was in a community of about 12 women that believe in the power of Christ. They have seen God perform miracles. They expect God do something in all his glory. One woman in the group, said to me that God was very clear to her on this: He wants me to look at this as a gateway, not a wall. There is a path to an abundance of his love for my mom and our family. Praise him for that truth.

I could tell so many stories and I can't wait to share what He's doing. I really should be writing it down everyday, but as imagined, I am absolutely exhausted emotionally. 

My mom has been back and forth to the hospital for more options/opinions, but we really don't know too much right now. We know that it is more cancer than we thought and that it's an extremely deadly cancer. She is meeting with a doctor in Atlanta on Monday and then we fly to Houston on Tuesday. Pray that we know which doctor is to operate(also, operate is a positive word: we really don't know if that's an option- we are hoping) on my mom and that this happens IMMEDIATELY. ...That God would show us in a crystal clear, gut-wrenching way, which doctor is to handle this procedure.

I love you all. a whole flippin lot.

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