Monday, December 7, 2009

Linda's Hope

When I decided to move to Nashville, I really didn't know why I was so sure it would be a good move. I just knew it was time for this city. Well, God has revealed that He knew I would meet girls that have become like sisters to me. Girls that would inspire me to be who God created me to be.

Throughout the last five or six months, I have been blessed with girls with a heart to love others. With me, they listened to my needs and concerns, but they do this for everyone. These girls have opened my eyes that there is still hope for all of us. I pray that I can be this to them and to others, as well.

I shared my story with them and continued to be vulnerable with my fears and dreams. Well, they dreamt with me and now, Linda's Hope(To learn more about Linda's Hope, check out: is in the works. Can you believe that? They care enough about what I have seen through my Mom's battle with pancreatic cancer that they want to see a change for all of those who have been affected.

I know I am only one teeny tiny life and we are limited to how much we can give, but I know we have a passion to help those in need and right now, personally, I know we can help those battling pancreatic cancer.

I am a 24 year-old orphan. It's tough. The grief from losing my parents in heavy on my spirit and some days, it feels like I shouldn't be here either. The pain I feel from day-to-day is unexplainable. It surprises me constantly with new stabs at my heart. I know there are others that are going through severe loss, like I am. There are people all over the world in need.

Linda's Hope is one dream that can become a reality. I don't want anyone go through the battle alone. I don't want families to feel alone. When my mom was sick, we did not have enough help. We had no clue what we were experience or education. We just survived to our best ability. I don't think anyone could imagine how my family researched day and night, hoping something, anything would make Mom more comfortable or well.

If you have a passion and dedication to become a part of Linda's Hope, please let me know. I pray everyday that there will be others with a desire to dedicate a part of their life to someone else's.

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