Monday, June 30, 2008

come to me for lots of new stories,

I am a very relational person and I believe that it is really screwing me up lately. I know that being the way that I am about people, that it's a gift from God and if I stray for a second then, Satan takes this gift and distorts it.

Over the last year or so, I have learned to always believe the best in people. I think everyone should live by this statement. However, there's a difference between knowing that at the end of it all, everyone is good. And knowing that you are getting completely mistreated.

I know that Christ calls us to suffer for his heart and glory and I'm all about it. Sometimes, I wonder though, if I am choosing suffering for myself. Ok, I'm not wondering, I know I unintentionally and intentionally choose it for myself. I get deceived over and over again.

I have prayed daily for God to separate me from ungodly relationships, but somehow everyone comes out of the woodwork. It's this battle that I know he equips me to fight, but it causes my personal health. In a way, I think that it's almost like I need to fast from relationships because it's my heart's utmost desire to connect spiritually with people and it's too easy to fall into a trap of "leading someone on" or whatever you wish. I wish I could wear a bag over my head and be in a jump suit sometimes and I think some people would take me more seriously, believe it or not.

I am such a spiritual person. I am sure people think I am nuts and I know they don't even know how deep it really goes with me. It is intense and unstoppable and I wish it upon every soul in this universe. Yes, I am including the astronauts and possible aliens. 

More than anything else, I just wish we all knew how spiritual everything in our lives really is. EVERYTHING. Whether, you believe in God or not, in heaven or hell, in Jesus or Oprah... there is a holy battle going on for you. You mean something to someone who died for you. 

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