Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So I'll keep asking, for Your kingdom to come

"Not my will or my plans or 
the way I want it
I'm so tired of my hands in the way
So reveal to these eyes the true heart of my Father, today
Lord teach me how to pray"

My mom is doing really well recovering from  her surgery. She is coming home to Alpharetta tomorrow and will be able to go through chemo there! I'll be able to see her a lot more, and of course more of her friends are there, too. 
The Father blows my mind. He is revealing incredible things to me everyday, even though, I feel worthless most of the time. I know that I am not worthless. Christ is working this out. Me out.
My mom surprised me to today with some news today: Her body is healing really quickly, so that means that within the next four weeks, she could start chemo! That's basically two months before we thought it was possible for her!!! Thank you all for fighting daily for her and for me. God is really working through this situation. How could He not?! God always reveals during the most trying times, in the most intense ways. I don't always want to ask for Him to do what he does, but I'm always excited to see more of his kingdom. 

More of Him, less of me.


Caitlin Goss said...

yay!! good news mere!

Anonymous said...

Seeing your perseverance of faith is not only encouraging, but a challenge to be met in my own walk. Happy to hear the good news, and know more will be prayed for.

Anonymous said...

only HE can heal your mom that quickly! Praise be to Jesus! love you.