Saturday, September 13, 2008

Skinny Mini!

Oh dear. Mom has dramatically dropped her weight. It's definitely a struggle to see her in this state. She absolutely does not want to eat a thing. I try to tell her that it is key for her survival and she looks at me with panic and fear in her eyes. I can feel her anxiety jump across and enter into my body. We have all researched foods to help her gain weight, but she is having such a difficult time! It makes her tear up to talk about eating. When people say that chemo (by the way: can you imagine getting these treatments every week for five hours at a time?! ughhh) makes food your enemy, they certainly are not fibbing. On top of the mad amounts of medicine she is digesting, her cancer is of her digestive system, so it's terribly painful. I can't believe she is enduring all of this. The reality of this disease and her state seems like it cannot possibly be real. I really feel like I am in a nightmare and that I'll wake up at anytime now...


Brittney said...

Love you, Mer! We missed you this weekend. I am still praying praying praying for your sweet mother.

Anonymous said...

been (and will continue!) praying for your mom's appetite and her chemo treatments. Praying against the negative side effects. Praying for strength, courage, and hope at this time. Praying for healing.

For you: praying for strength, hope, courage, and for the Lord to give you the grace you need in each weak moment to get you through every day. And He will do it because His Word says that when we are weak, then we are strong through Him.