Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Doctor Appointment and I'm a semi-nurse

Mom saw her surgeon this morning and good news: no lung infection.

She is just having some complications with the surgery and it will take awhile for her recovery. I hope that she will be well enough to begin chemo again in about a month. Please pray that the cancer does not spread while she does not have the medicine in her system! 

It's been interesting having reversed roles: mother-daughter becoming daughter-mother. I have only had to make frozen meals, mac and cheese, eggs, pizza and the easy stuff while baby-sitting. AND let's be honest, for myself, I usually do the same, but throw in a ton of peanut butter and Kashi products and you have my diet. So, this time of cooking, cleaning, waiting on, bills, counting nutritional info, medication scheduling, etc has been quite the adjustment! I don't feel trained! haha Those of you who know me well, know that I like to jump into things anyway, so here I am! I'm not going to sugar-coat anything- I am really not enjoying this hold period of my life: the uncertainty of when I can have my own job, where I can go and if mom will ever be well again.

Much Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear love,
be encouraged in knowing that I have felt every single bit of every word you have just spoken in this post. i always say that all i need to do is get my RN diploma at this point...i'm pretty sure i've been through enough "schooling" to have it! ...and you have, too! And as far as reversed roles go, i'm there. cooking, cleaning, doing all laundry, taking out trash, paying bills, etc etc etc...sister, the Lord is preparing us for wonderful things ahead! I love you so much!!!