Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tough Day

It's funny how much you can remove yourself from situations you are going through, but I know that you must in order to get through it all at times. It's good to breathe in life away from the darkness.

I haven't been around my mom as much lately because of school, so it's sometimes easier to block out the reality of what's going on for my mind and body's survival.

Today is one of those days that I cannot block it out because I must be praying for her and ask all of you to pray, as well. She is really scared and I feel sick to my stomach.

Chemo just isn't a fun word to have to say or think about. Chemo means cancer and we all know cancer kills those we love all the time. 

Everyday I get asked what I'm going to do in December when I graduate. That's hard because I am trying to just live day-to-day right now. Maybe I should change that, but it's all I can do for today. I don't know where my mom will be and if she needs me, I need to be there. 

It's crazy to think about all the dreams I have and how life doesn't line up with them right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm living it up,  but things happen, and your dreams don't seem as important as love. I hope I can give my mom a taste of the love she has given me.

Thank you all for your support. I know you'll be praying! Much Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey love. how is chemo going? is there an update you can give? I'm calling you today. stay strong with the strength that Christ gives. i love you.